June FTF will begin at 1400 on the 26th . Location: Training Area West.  Items to discuss are PatCon 9,  Land-Nav, and upcoming July FTX.  Weather should be about perfect for this time of the year.


A story to read this month is over at ITS Tactical on the subject of medkits and medical training.  Not so much on what stuff to get but more how to think about the why you’re going to need medkits and training, and how you’re going to use them, then figuring out what stuff will work best to get that done.  Some things are just mission specific.  This is another one.





PatCon 9 was a little different this time.  Only had about a quarter of the usual suspects show up.  But we still had a really good round table discussion and several  good equipment demos.  And the raffle included a couple great items like a Ruger 10-22 TacStar and a Uniden BCD436HP Home Patrol portable scanner.  Start planning now for PatCon 10 in the fall.  Most likely the weekend of 1-2 OCT.


Not the usual 100 person Big Top.



The Small Awning


The 100 meter walk for figuring pace count for the map and compass training.  Mine was 70, there and back both.  But that’s without any gear.



Hundred Meter Walk


And the family dog.  Real friendly, too.



The Pooch